Main Street
Station in Roselle
For over 170 years, Roselle has been
a forward-looking community, but fiercely protective of its
small-town charm.
To The Gammonley Group, nothing could
be more attractive. Their concept for Roselle is perfect:
group residential and commercial buildings together, and
them close to transportation
and parks.
Roselle, Main Street Station's unique residences provides the
comfort and conveniences you need for the lifestyle you want
to maintain.
condominiums placed adjacent
to charming commercial shopfronts and office space – beautifully
detailed with varying rooflines, vintage-style brickwork
and an old-world style clocktower.
find that Main Street Station gives you the time and freedom
to do the many things that owning a single family home keeps
you from.
Visit Main Street
Station in Roselle today.
We're easy to find and
we offer a variety of models
and floorplans to fit your needs and budget.  |